Do you trust that your carpets are safe and clean? When was the last time you did more than vacuum? Do you know where your vacuum is?
If you aren’t sure about the age of your carpet or the last time you vacuumed every room, it could be time to replace it. However, with the right yearly maintenance, you could extend the life of your carpeting and keep it safe for you and your family.
What kind of maintenance keeps your carpets looking like new for longer? Keep reading to find out!
Routine Vacuuming
How often do you vacuum? It might not be frequent enough.
If you have pets or kids, vacuuming should be a routine once or twice a week, depending on the amount of dirt and animal dander that builds up on your floors throughout the week.
We know a house full of kids, dogs, or cats can leave little time for vacuuming. However, keeping up with this weekly activity can help prolong the life of your carpet and help you and your family breathe easier with less dander in your carpeting.
Cleaning Spills
Pets, kids, (and adults) can leave plenty of messes on the floor. However, allowing wet spills or stains to sit without a quick clean-up can damage your carpet and encourage mold or bacteria growth.
Water spills might not leave a stain, but they can still damage the carpet and padding underneath if not cleaned and dried quickly. Darker liquids or pet urine will leave a lasting stain without prompt treatment before it has a chance to set.
Avoid letting liquids dry. Vacuuming when the carpet dries (without treating the spill or stain) can grind the dried substance more deeply into the fibers, ruining the carpet.
Deep Clean
Even with frequent vacuuming and promptly taking care of spills, your carpet needs a deep cleaning to remove dirt, debris, dust, and dander that even the best cleaners can’t get.
Deep cleaning should occur once or twice a year depending on the traffic throughout your home. Professional cleaners use quality shampoos and stain treatments to sanitize your carpets and keep them looking (and smelling) fresh and clean.
Regular deep cleaning keeps the odors that come with pets and kids at bay. Antimicrobial cleanings also prevent the growth of mold, mildew, and yeast deep within your carpet fibers.
A professional carpet cleaning service helps minimize the potential for over-shampooing or soaking your carpets in too much water. The best professionals clean thoroughly and quickly while also protecting your furniture during the process.
Don’t Skip Yearly Maintenance for Your Carpet
Yearly maintenance might seem like a hassle until you realize your new carpet still looks new year after year. Taking care of your new carpet starts with expert installation, and routine maintenance makes your new carpet investment more worthwhile.
Contact a Carpet Nurse for a free carpet cleaning or replacement service estimate!